discovering and sharing the music that moves us

Tag: wave

Happy 4/20… AKA Deadcrow Release Day! Stream “Solar” for Some Premio Vibes & Seriously Good Times.

Happy 4/20… AKA Deadcrow Release Day! Stream “Solar” for Some Premio Vibes & Seriously Good Times.

If you're looking to explore new heights today, may I direct you to the perfect soundtrack? Deadcrow just released his newest track, "Solar", and it is simply fantastic. Check it out and get yourself ready for one hell of a ride and some out-of-this-world vibes. "Solar" on YouTube via UKF: This track is one of those IDs that was always a favorite of mine (I lost my absolute shit hearing it live at Liquid Ritual's "conference" in London just a couple weeks ago-- but more on that later), and yet I never exactly knew what song it was... And now I finally--finally--can hear it in full. And it has been on loop. I just keep going back to it; I can't help it. Meet Deadcrow, the Wave Artist Taking Ove...
[Interview]: Bandcamp Friday, The Wave Community, and… Halo? A Chat With The UK’s ‘Lo-Fi-Wave’ Producer, Seraph.
Interviews, Music

[Interview]: Bandcamp Friday, The Wave Community, and… Halo? A Chat With The UK’s ‘Lo-Fi-Wave’ Producer, Seraph.

We got another BandCamp Friday gift: one of my favorite producers, Seraph., dropped a new track, "Virmire", today! In honor of this surprise, we decided to sit down and have a little chat about the state of the scene, what's next for this UK-based producer, and more. Stream "Virmire", on BandCamp, below, and read on to learn more about Seraph. Vermire by Seraph To get us started, would you please tell us just a little bit about yourself? And, if you don’t mind my asking--where did the moniker "Seraph." come from? Sure thing! My name is James. I’m a 24-year-old Music Producer from the Northeast of the UK, and I like to make sad music with even sadder guitar melodies. As for where I got the “Seraph” alias from, it’s kind of a nerdy story [laughs]. I g...
Hikikomori by Nick Neutronz: a Poignant Digital Soundscape for a Future None of Us Imagined.
Features, Interviews

Hikikomori by Nick Neutronz: a Poignant Digital Soundscape for a Future None of Us Imagined.

Welcome to the year 2022. We made it. It's the future. The 2020s--the roaring 20's 2.0: flying cars edition. Or something... Well, it's not the future any of us saw coming--except, perhaps, for Nick Neutronz, through his dark & enchanting track, "Hikikomori". First released on Audius on January 4th, the track is now available for streaming everywhere. "Hikikomori" is more than just a New Year's single: it is a journey into another world, one that eerily mirrors our own. "In February of 2019 I did a dive into "Hikikomori". A year and some change later, and we were all driven inside with no sense of when we'd be outside again. This track was a fantasy, a future urban landscape where all of us were stuck to our screen, where the outside world was a hostile hustle of scarci...
Mark Your Calendars:’s 100th Episode is Here.
Interviews, Music

Mark Your Calendars:’s 100th Episode is Here.

Clear your schedule, because we have plans this weekend. We finally know who is going to be playing for us live on Twitch this Sunday, September 12th, for's 100th Episode: Into The Vibe. Fans of wave music have been waiting for weeks, speculating. themselves kept the hype going from day one. But now we know. Our 100th episode of the livestream / podcast is September 12th, and it will be special.Details, lineup, giveaways, and other goodies to be revealed in the coming days and weeks.Keep it Vibe. Keep it locked.— (@vibedigitalUSA) August 14, 2021 There is a correct guess or two. We announce tomorrow.— (@vibedigitalUSA) September 6, 2021 While I was p...
A Bandcamp Friday Exclusive: Just Connor’s “Platinum Angels” Pre-Release Was A Gift.
Interviews, Music, Reviews

A Bandcamp Friday Exclusive: Just Connor’s “Platinum Angels” Pre-Release Was A Gift.

Barely a month after his last single, the genre-defining wave producer Just Connor is at it again with his latest single, “Platinum Angels”, an upbeat, atmospheric track that’ll make your heart race. Trust me when I say this song is something you need to listen to right now. Check it out: Platinum Angels by Just Connor "Platinum Angels" was first made available as a special pre-release for August’s Bandcamp Friday. It will be available on streaming platforms later this summer. This track will get you up and out of your seat with its electrifying synths, addictive melodies and classic JC beats—all perfectly layered together at a pace that will make you MOVE. It is four minutes of pure bliss. Hearing it is a transformative experience. Defining a Genre &...