Canadian DJ Avira has built up a reputation in recent years for remixing classic songs. Up next on his agenda is a remix of an alt classic from Live. “Lightning Crashes” was one of the biggest songs of the 90s and it’s been reborn as an EDM song.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first read about the project. And I must admit I wasn’t sure what to think after my first listen. But I went into the experience with an open mind. Live was (is) a huge part of my musical DNA.
Ultimately I approve and after a few more times on repeat, I can’t stop listening. AVIRA has taken the original and effectively paid tribute while instilling a modern sensibility. This version of “Lightning Crashes” is sure to connect with music fans despite genre preference.
But, for those that don’t connect, that’s an understandable reaction. The original is special to many and the fact is some will prefer to stick with the original. Who’s to say you can like both?
Behind The “Lightning Crashes” Remix
For technical reasons, Kowalczyk had to re-record vocals for the remix. According to a recent interview, it was the first time in four years he had been in a vocal booth. He recalled that despite it being in a completely different tempo it all came to him easily.
AVIRA selected “Lightning Crashes” because he considers the song a timeless masterpiece. He wanted to bring that alt-rock vibe to a new generation in the dance space. He had this to say about the production.
Ed’s performance on this new recording sent chills down my spine. I wanted to make this feel like an epic homage to Live’s original and show a new generation of listeners what dance music can be all about. I’m forever grateful that Ed was involved in making my dreams come true.
Kowalczyk had been talking about doing some experimenting in the EDM/trance space so when he came across a copy of the demo, everything lined up from there. Perhaps we’ll see more activity from Live based on his recent update pertaining to control of the band.
Connect with AVIRA on Instagram and Twitter for updates. Live recently celebrated the 28th anniversary of Throwing Copper. While they don’t have any upcoming concerts booked, you can bookmark their website here.
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