discovering and sharing the music that moves us

Tag: trauma and recovery

THE HARA Challenge Mental Health Stigma with their Debut Album, ‘SURVIVAL MODE’
Features, Music, Reviews

THE HARA Challenge Mental Health Stigma with their Debut Album, ‘SURVIVAL MODE’

"Nobody talks about what it feels like to slowly get out of survival mode.There’s emotional withdrawals, moments of intense confusion, and so much grief that comes with seeing life as it truly is."- Dr. Nicole LePera, PHD Chronic stress takes a toll on us—that’s no secret. Since it’s currently Mental Health Awareness Month here in the United States, and we’ve entered year three of what could be considered mass exposure to a collective, global traumatic stressor, this might be a good time to talk a bit about mental health. As you know, MendoWerks Magazine isn’t run by mental health professionals, so we’re going to do what we do best—we’re going to talk about music. Specifically, we’re going to be digging into SURVIVAL MODE, the highly-anticipated debut album by THE HARA, which was releas...