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Tag: Olympics

‘Stay On Board’ Chronicles Life of Trans Skateboarder Leo Baker (Review)
Features, Film, Reviews

‘Stay On Board’ Chronicles Life of Trans Skateboarder Leo Baker (Review)

For two decades, Leo Baker was a professional skateboarder who competed professionally all around the world. Co-directors Nicola Marsh and Giovanni Reda followed Baker from 2019 to 2021 during a period of intense personal turmoil. The film begins with what should have been a career highlight - Baker was announced to represent the USA on the first-ever Women's Olympic Skateboarding Team. Leo Baker reaches new heights in 'Stay On Board' (Netflix) The problem? Baker was experiencing extreme gender dysphoria, already identifying themselves as Leo and using they/them pronouns amongst friends and family. Being chosen for the Olympics was a life changing moment, but not in the way you might expect. Every interview and comment that identified them as a woman became harder and harder...